Honeywell microswitch V5C130DB3L

I have an old microswitch that needs replacement for my garage door. See below some pictures and a datasheet i found online. I cannot find the original part. Does anyone have a clue which part i could use as a replacement?

V5C130DB3L.pdf (67.6 KB)

Hello @steven_ksvm,

Welcome to Digi-Key’s TechForum. From your images and the datasheet you sent, I was able to find a possible alternative switch. It is part Z5124-ND, please refer to datasheets and specifications to verify that it will work for your application.

Hi Brock,

Thanks for your reply, the alternative switch you propose looks promising and is definitely better than what I’ve been able to find so far! I will order one and give it a try :slight_smile: