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Most PC’s do not have any provision for connecting I2C devices because I2C connections are not meant for end users. The exceptions are maker platforms e.g. Raspberry Pi’s.
You will need to get a USB to I2C adapter, here’s a very good one that also works for other popular micro-controller serial busses: https://www.digikey.com/short/qp4f1hm4
Thank you for your answer.
So I have to connect the yellow part to my PC using USB to USB cable ? And I have to connect the pins by soldering a wire to my VL53L1 card ?
If my assumption is correct, then yes, you wire the VL53L1-SATEL PCB to the Bus Pirate and connect the Bus Pirate to the PC using USB. Then you’ll probably need to write a bunch of Python software to get any use from it.
If you are using just the raw sensor (VL53L1), you’ll have to make a PCB with the missing interface electronics.
BTW, this is very far from a beginners project. Considering the questions you’ve posed, I think you’d be better off starting with a complete system designed to use this sensor with a micro-controller. The SparkFun RedBoard Qwiic with a Qwiic Cable Kit and a Qwiic Distance Sensor (VL53L1X) should make getting started with this sensor much easier.
Hello thank you for your answer. Yes we should use VL53L1-SATEL because we don’t want to make a PCB. I’m a beginner indeed making component research for my company so in the end I’ll get some help. Actually my manager just told me that the PC we’ll connect it to will have I2C pins on it. However my research might be useful if I want to connect it to my personnal PC if I can’t get hold of the target PC in between. I think I’ve found something slightly cheaper than what you referred me to. It is the FT2232H Mini Module ( datasheet on the line below) FT2232H Mini Module (ftdichip.com)
I’m a bit concerned about the sparkfun electronics adapter because it seems firmwares are done by the community actually and no longer by the supplier. Don’t you think my module will be easier to get working ?
Since this is for a professional use, I think you should get the official ST evaluation PCB (VL53L1-SATEL) and use any example code ST provides. If your company finds a problem with ST’s data sheets or example code it will be easier to get them to help if you’re using their evaluation PCB.
Firmware drivers for sensors are usually totally independent of the particular evaluation PCB used. The driver is for the raw sensor and the PCB simply provides peripheral services that do not impact the firmware, typically only providing signal level translation & power conditioning.
Firmware that is open source and rarely updated by the original author often means it is so reliable the original author has no need to update it. Some firmware drivers I use at work haven’t been updated by the original author for 20 years because they work so reliably.
I’d research how much PC software is available for using the Bus Pirate vs. the FT2232H Mini Module before deciding which one to buy. My guess is that the open hardware Bus Pirate will have a lot more software since it has been around a long time in the open hardware & open software engineering community.