I need a quiet vacuum pump

Sometime in the last few weeks I purchased a 1568-ROB-10398-ND vacuum pump, but it is louder than anticipated. Can anyone recommend something that performs about the same while making less noise?


Looking at the thing, I’d expect it to be constructed as a crank-driven diaphragm pumping air through a set of input/output check valves. El-cheapo brushed motors of the sort typically spin at a few thousand RPM and one can’t really expect top-notch balancing of reciprocating/rotating masses in low-cost devices of the sort.

This to say, I suspect most any similar device is likely to be rather noisy, particularly in the absence of vibration-isolating mounts.

Is there anything you would recommend instead, then?

Not really: small pumps of the type aren’t really DK’s forte, and it’s difficult to make suggestions without developing some info regarding intended use. Something more akin to an aquarium air pump would probably be more adapted to quiet operation, though one may have difficulty finding such a thing with a suction-side pipe.