Infra/Ultra-sonic spider repulsor

I am looking for input on creating an infrasonic / ultrasonic emitter system for spider repulsion.
Emitters need to be able to vary from 1-10Hz on the infrasonic and 20 to 40Khz on the ultrasonic.
additionally, i want to modulate the outputs, variably and randomly to prevent a build up of resistance by the spider.
I am very new, so first off, perhaps we could discuss the availability of transmitters first?

Hello jenifaerie,

Welcome to the DigiKey TechForum. I’m not familiar with the use of sound emission as a means for repelling spiders, however there are going to be a few factors you want to consider prior to the availability of transmitters. You will want to find or create a simple block diagram schematic of what you’re trying to build and ensure to include specific details such as how you will power the device, what environment will the device need to be in, and what additional circuitry would be required to create the desired modulations.


I’m currently disigning the housing and I’ll incorporate the visual of transmitters.
the environment is a home, office or maybe even a shop.
As for circuitry, I have no idea. Unless you mean what the circuitry is supposed to facilitate?
Like, something to modulate the outputs? (frequency, amplitude, duration?)