Proximity based sensors?

I’m not sure if this is the right category and I know this seems like a bigger project for a new person, but I want to make a sort of more complex easter egg hunt for my nieces and nephews. The basic idea is a light that flashes the closer they get to said “easter egg” so they can search freely but add a few elements myself to make it more puzzle like. Most simply, I want a light that flashes faster the closer you get to a transmitter, that can transmit through solid materials while remaining somewhat small. Any Ideas? Willing to work with anything and learn anything. RF would be nice but if I get rf right it may not be the best choice.

Welcome to the forum.

Depending on my budget I would have either started this a year ago to be ready for the next Easter or I’d allocate $10,000.00USD to do an accelerated project.

Hopefully someone else on the forum has some better advice for you.

Welcome to the DigiKey TechForum. We’re not going to have any finished units that can accomplish this, you would need to buy the components and make this yourself. There is way more to this than I would be able to assist with but perhaps someone with experience in this type of application may be able to assist.

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