Low-Frequency, Voltage Controlled Clock/Mute

Hey, I’m looking for two kinds of parts to serve together as a voltage-controlled low-frequency square wave generator.

I’m looking to send a low frequency ~(0.1Hz - 2Hz) signal to an analog multiplier. The context of this signal generator is as a frequency dependent signal mute, in that an analog audio signal will be multiplied with this signal generator, where when the low value of the signal generator is multiplied with the audio, the audio is muted, and when the high value of the signal generator is multiplied with the audio, it is passed without much audible change.

The kick is that I would like to use my supply voltage (12V) and some voltage division scheme as a control for ideally the signal generator’s frequency, duty cycle and phase shift, though I do not expect all of these to be found on a chip in the capacity that I’d like.

A part of my problem is that oscillators generally produce signal at a frequency range that is orders of magnitude higher than my application. A potential solution to this is to send this signal to some kind of counter, which outputs low to high after a number of received oscillations to effectively reduce frequency.

If anyone has any input on parts sourcing, I would appreciate it greatly!

Hello NoKetchupHere and welcome to the TechForum.

It looks like you would be generating a square wave biased on a threshold known to you. Perhaps you can use a microcontroller and read one of the analog to digital (A/D) pins to generate a high and low on one of the outputs?

Your signal is slow enough that a micro wouldn’t have any difficulty keeping up. An Arduino would be an easy path into generating your desired output. Just note that you would have to touch on your supply voltage to meet the input for the chip. (12V is a little high)

Thanks for the feedback! I’ll look into implementing what you’ve said.