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Is there any warranty on products.
I ordered 2 inky frames on 2023-10-22.
First one stopped working today and second one that I plugged in for the first time does not want to connect to my WIFI. (Connection state remains at 2).
Firmwares are updated on both.
Cannot make any reports on the orders page, stating that it is too old.
Is this a new practice that one product is defective and another one stops working after 1 year?
Invoice number is removed by admin for privacy reasons
Here in EU warranty should be 2 years, please write me and advise how to resolve this.
For you issue with connecting to your WIFI, if you did not see, PIMORONI does go over this on their product page linked HERE. This would be under the Software header.
They also provide some troubleshooting documentation that can be found linked HERE.
In regard to returns, you will want to reach out to customer.service@digikey.com for assistance.
Yes, I have gone over those topics. It looks like the newer MicroPython
firmware is faulty, because from Thonny (using the F5 button) Wifi works
just fine.
Anyway the connectivity is not at question here.
It is rather, how long is the warranty for this specific product?
(Pimoroni Inky Frame) Under EU law, it should be at least 2 years for
this specific product. If it is lesser than that, then I would have to
forward you to Estonian consumer protection authorities, who will guide
you further.
All this is because I was not able to complete the RMA form, since it
stated that my invoice is too old and my invoice is certainly less than
2 years old. It is not acceptable that a product stops working properly
after such a short time!
02.12.2024 16:47 nick_13812 via Electronic Component and Engineering
Solution Forum - TechForum │ DigiKey kirjutas:
The question of how long a warranty is for product purchased within the United States and shipped to Europe would be a question for our Customer Resolution team at customer.service@digikey.com
Thanks for the information.
If I check the invoice, then the seller was a German Company with German
VAT ID. A subsidiary of DigiKey.
It could be that under such conditions shorter warranties are allowed. I
just need to be clear about that.
Regarding the Pimoroni Inky frame. If a new customer buys it now, then 2
out of 5 sample applications do not work. Random joke page gives HTTP
404 response and “Nasa picture of the day” app does not load the image.
Have not had the time to find out why. This is assuming that the device
connects to the Wifi. With issues like these, it is not recommended to
sell Pimoroni Inky frame products without notifying the customer that
some features may not work as intended, until those issues are resolved.
02.12.2024 19:46 Kristof_2649 via Electronic Component and Engineering
Solution Forum - TechForum │ DigiKey kirjutas: