Inquiry about EVKITSWF-20 CO2 sensor kit connector port


I am looking for the CO2 sensor on your website and the EVKITSWF-20 EVKITSWF-20 Gas Sensing Solutions Ltd | Development Boards, Kits, Programmers | DigiKey meet my requirements.
However, I am wondering about the connector between the sensor with the computer. I can see the USB cable has one end connects to the computer, the other end connects to the sensor, but I cannot see the port is suitable with the sensor board. Can you explain for me that? Or maybe I get confusing because I am seeing not in the right angle? I attached the picture below for my question.

I am looking forward for your reply. Thank you for helping me!

Have a nice day!


From what I can see it does not have a right angle. Just straight.

Hi Karl,

So can I have the confirmation that the provided cable fit the CO2 sensor board port?

Looks like the provided cable is a simple FTDI cable. It’s purpose is to interface with the UART pins and provide power/ground. The SprintIR-W datasheet (page 7) indicates these are pins 1, 3, 5, and 7 on the board’s connector.

After connecting the cable to the sensor board, the result should look similar to the following (taken from the evaluation kit user guide):

Notice that only a subset of the pins are being utilized. So to answer your question, yes, the provided cable will fit the board connector.

Hi Matt,

My purpose purchasing the SprintIR-W sensor is to measure CO2 concentration. As you say, the cable just only connects with pins 1, 3, 5, 7. So can I still measure the CO2 concentration without connecting to the other pins, especially 8, 9, 10?

If I’m understanding the datasheet correctly:

  • A pulse on pin 8 (NITROGEN_ZERO) is equivalent to issuing the U command over the UART interface
  • Pin 9 (ANALOGUE_OUTPUT) is optional. CO2 levels can be read over the UART interface in different ways depending of the operating mode.
  • A pulse on pin 10 (FRESH_AIR_ZERO) is equivalent to issuing the G command over the UART interface

So, yes. The full capabilities of the sensor should be available to you using only the UART pins.

Hi Matt,

If I understand correctly, I can use the U command to zero nitrogen or G command to zero fresh air concentration. So does the software support this sensor board?

I attach the image taken from the user guide for the evaluation kit.

Yes. In fact, the USB stick that is included with the dev kit should include the software installation files.

Hi Matt,

I am sorry for bothering you, I just want to confirm again before purchase.
The EVKITSWF-20 EVKITSWF-20 Gas Sensing Solutions Ltd | Development Boards, Kits, Programmers | DigiKey will include the SprintIR-W 20% CO2 sensor, the sensor board, the USB-A cable and the USB containing the software, right?

Also, can I ask how to get the quotation of an item on DigiKey website, especially if I just purchase one? I click “Request the quote” but dont know how to do it further?

Send the part number and quantity requested to

Everything you see in the picture should be included, yes.