Looking for a Transistor replacement

Hello. We have many PWM DC drives where the transistor shorts out and the drive only operates at full speed. I have tried to find information on the transistor, but I am assuming that it is an OEM number on the part.
The transistor manufacturer is ON, and the part number printed on the surface is; Line 1 - G23J06AP, Line 2 - N60UF. Case size is TO220.

I am looking for a suitable replacement so we can replace just the transistor and we will not have to discard the complete speed controller.


Might be something like a SGP23N60UFTU, but my confidence in that guess is low.

That said, I’m unsure that transistor replacement is the best answer here; the potential for collateral damage extending beyond the transistor in question is high, and if you’re seeing this same failure occur in “many” cases, there’s almost certainly some larger problem at hand.