We build a board that uses Littelfuse’s version of the SMBJ43A, and it sits right up next to a connector. It is so close to the connector, in fact, that when the diode is directly on its pads the connector is not able to seat properly because the diode’s outer casing pushes up against it. Looking at the datasheet for the SMBJ43A, it shows the width for this component to be between 0.13 and 0.155in, or 3.3 to 3.94mm.
Please excuse my freehand highlighter attempt.
My question is this: Do you know of any that may perhaps be a little narrower? The only two I’ve found that are actually narrower are the Surge SMBJ43A (0.137-0.147in wide) and the WeEn SMBJ43AJ (0.135-0.147in wide). The problem with these is that they are not in stock anywhere.
I know the easy answer is to just move the part over on its pads a little so the connector sits flush with the board. We were just curious to see if there was an alternate part that wasn’t quite so wide that would eliminate our need to re-write the placement program.
Thanks in advance, and sorry for the long post!
tl;dr version: Need a narrower alternative for Littelfuse SMBJ43A due to board conflict with another part. Needs to be narrower than 0.155in (3.94mm).