MacBook Pro (A2991) FPC Battery Connector

I damaged my computer while taking it apart to clean it. It’s a 2023 MacBook Pro (A2991). I am looking for the FPC Battery connector that’s soldered onto the motherboard. Any help finding one would be greatly appreciate. It’s 8 pins.

@Kristof_2649 any ideas on this? TIA

I believe I found the correct part. Just looking for confirmation FH34SRJ-8S-0.5SH(50) Hirose Electric Co Ltd | Connectors, Interconnects | DigiKey_gsMQ…&gclid=CjwKCAiApsm7BhBZEiwAvIu2X3fcOq_ka1LpqvsBHeRGR-jaUdW-FVVnwAhWed9F9SvLsfv5XzDe_xoCxzIQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.dss

The part you are looking at you would want to check the following dimensions with a calipers to verify:

My 2019 15" A1990 motherboard 6 pin battery connector locking lever/clip/latch has “DDK” printed on it with the number 6. I believe, but am not sure, that it’s from the manufacturer DDK. The FF14A series seems correct. I had a look at the STEP file in Freecad and it looks right.

These guys sell the 6 pin version, I didn’t see the 8 pin version.

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