I am unable write data because I cannot seem to set the Write Enable Latch in the Feature status register. All SPI signals are verified correct to the datasheet on an oscilloscope. I can read the device ID register and get the correct data reply. The external pins WP# and HOLD# are wired to 3.3V. The CS# pin has a pullup so that it rises with VCC on powerup, as per datasheet.
I set the Write Enable Latch bit according to the datasheet: CS low; 06h (WRITE ENABLE command); CS high; (delay); CS low; FEATURE command for status (1Fh, 0Ch, dummy_byte); CS high. The chip serial out pin goes low and sends 00h at the end of the command. Status and all other Feature registers also read 00h. I expect 02h for the WEL bit set instead.
Do need to do something before I can set the WEL bit? I cannot find anything else in the datasheet. I have tried two parts.