Need an adapter board for ASP-134486-01

I am using ASP-134486-01 connector array in my project which gets connected to M.2 minicard. The connector array has 400 pins and I need an adapter board for connecting the array to M.2 minicard. I need help with this.

Hello raghul_a,

Welcome to the DigiKey TechForum! I’m having trouble visualizing what you’re attempting to do/what the result is supposed to look like. Are you using multiple M.2s and need to use all 400 pins? Are you only going to use a percentage of the 400 pins? Do you need something that plugs directly into both of them, or will a wire containing the connectors (something like this) work?


Hi Klint_12443,
I am using a M.2 minicard with Key E. Can you suggest something that plugs directly to it and also a wire containing the connectors too.


These are the connectors I could find with an E key on the M.2 card type; There wasn’t any cable mount style versions on my catalog in my review.

If you are okay doing some solder work the FPC050P070-ND would be worth a review to mount to and then go into your cable (the breakout board isn’t an exact match). But If you have the resources I would recommend drafting a breakout board specific to your use case.