I am in need of a switch for a 230v 20 amp circuit for a pressure washer. The part number they gave me is UPGN66-1-66-153. I can’t seem to find one online. Please let me know if you have something that would work.
Thank you for contacting DigiKey , the UPGN series is obsolete I did find a data sheet for this series and we do not have any replacements to offer for it with the same specs , UPGN , Panel seal (one bat handle per unit) UL Recognized and CSA Certified , -66 is Two pole unit -1 is Series , -66 is 50/60Hz, motor start (high pulse) , -153 is 15.0 Amps , page 20 and 21 of this data sheet for part number breakout , https://mm.digikey.com/Volume0/opasdata/d220001/medias/docus/895/APG,UPG,IPG_Series.pdf
Thanks Craig