Need help selecting a horizontal coin battery holder for a 2032 (20mm) to replace a soldered pin G-Type Panasonic BR2330A (23mm, inner neg terminal, bottom is approx 2.1-2.3mm above board).
Any ideas?
Need help selecting a horizontal coin battery holder for a 2032 (20mm) to replace a soldered pin G-Type Panasonic BR2330A (23mm, inner neg terminal, bottom is approx 2.1-2.3mm above board).
Any ideas?
If you are trying to match footprint of through holes can you provide the drawing or full part numbers so I can search for the drawing for pin locations.
you mentioned height from board is that critical?
Thanks for the quick reply. The part I’m trying to replace is DigiKey pn P224-ND or a Panasonic BR-2330A/GAN. I was hoping that DigiKey would have more info than I have. This battery has G type “inner negative” pin terminals (see doc link on the product sheet).
I want to replace that battery/pin terminal assembly with a holder or socket for a 2032 that has the same pin configuration, and the holder needs to be at least 2.1mm above the board to clear some chips but not more than 2.5mm ish or the top won’t clear the outside box.