Need help with short, 6-inch USB Panel Mount cable

Murphy reigns supreme! I am designing an electronic circuit and plan to house same is a small plastic box. One of the inputs to the box is a et of USB signals which will come from my PC to the plastic box holding the electronic circuit.

I ordered a set of 6" USB-A M/F Panel Mount Cables, Digikey P/N 5600-FE-USB-PM-6IN-ND.

The cables arrived and they work just fine electrically. However the connectors are on the wrong ends of the cable. These cables have a USB Type A Female or Jack connector for the panel mount connection and a USB Type A plug on the free end of the cable.

What I need is a six inch USB Panel Mount cable with a USB Type A Female or jack connector on the free end of the cable to mate with my CP2102. The panel mount connector needs to be a USB Type A Male,or Plug connector to mate with the USB cable from my PC.


  1. Can you folks find a panel mount USB cable of this type? I need three.
  2. Can I return the cables that Just arrived today?

Best wishes,
Jerry Renken

The USB standard does not allow a jack (female) on a cable, or a plug (male) as a receptacle. So most reputable manufacturers do not make cables with free hanging USB jacks or panel mount USB plugs.

I suggest searching the direct from China parts sites for one since those suppliers do not care about any kind of standards.

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Hi Jerry,
Welcome to the DigiKey TechForum. I wasn’t able to find any cable assembly options to offer for this but maybe you can use adapters like AE1320-ND and AE1474-ND as an option. The cable you purchased, part 5600-FE-USB-PM-6IN-ND is a “Marketplace” product, you will need to contact My Cable Mart for return information.

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Yes!! These two adapters will work just fine. Problem solved.

Thank you Steve for such a timely response.

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