OrCAD/Allegro Drill File Problem. Still

I am trying to upload a zip file for DK Red with the output from OrCAD PCB Editor. As was mentioned in a previous topic, the drill file is not being accepted. The other files process and the board preview shows.

This is a very simple board. What I hope is the first of several, but without being able to process the drill file, it is kind of a proverbial brick wall.

Are there plans to actually accept the Cadence tools drill file format any time soon?

Hello, sorry you are having issues, I would like to see the files. I will message you with my email address.


Thanks for the followup.

After more digging, I found the solution. When exporting the drill file from OrCAD X/Allegro X PCB Editor, or the New OrCAD X Presto tool, one has to check the “Auto Tool Select” checkbox in the Drill file export dialog box. This is what sets the file format to use the T1, T2, T3, etc. format. Otherwise it outputs a format the uses M00 codes assuming manual tool changes.


Hello, and thank you for the post,
this is great information and will be very helpful for the group. I am glad that you were able to get it to work.
best regards,