Part identification

I have a small power transformer I need to replace I can’t fine online. Can you help. It’s part number is MLETF-E148012-0828 . It measures 50mm x 40mmk x 30 mm (LWH). Input voltage is 120v ac. Output voltage ,I am not sure. It has 2 wire input and 2 wire output on is through hole mounted.

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Okay, so looking into this I wasn’t seeing any hard specs for that model number, so bear in mind that this is based on what I could piece together from context clues seeing similar transformers with similar codes printed on them across several different websites and retailers. It seems the part number would be MLETF-EI48012 (that’s an “i” instead of a “1” after the E), and I suspect that the “0828” at the bottom of the label is some kind of lot code or internal factory code not related to the model number itself. I can’t say with 100% certainty but I think this is a 120VAC or 115VAC primary, 12VAC secondary transformer with 8VA power rating.

I didn’t find anything that looks to be this exact model; it looks like we have 595-1710-ND which is a dual input so it’s 4 pins on each side, with the diagram on page 2 of the datasheet (linked here) showing how they’re connected. I doubt if it will fit based on what you’ve told us, but that’s the best option we have available right now.

Hello, Chris. Thank you for all your hard work to get the information about the tranformer. This transformer (whitch is on full time) is the main power on a power conditrioner for AV equipment. There are 2 power relays that turn on with the power switch to send power to most of the control board, the coil voltage is 24v and the spec sheet says it requires a min. of 18v to operate. it also feeds 2 voltage regulators 1 is 12v and the other is 5v. I am going to try the 12v trans you suggested frist , I so see the is a 24v version of the trans you suggested. I’m trying to reach out to the manufracter of the power center for the trans specs , but the unit is fairly old. Lots of luck with that one?
You have given me a great place to start my part search. Thank you.
R Weber