Phoenix Contact Relays Replacement Part Numbers

Phoenix Contact released a product discontinuation notice (PDN-IF-1697-2018) on 6/04/2018. This covers the PR1, PR2, PR3, REL-IR, and REL-OR series of relays and relay accessories. You can see the discontinued part number and the manufacturer recommended alternate part numbers in the table below. Please click on the Digi-Key part number to view the product page.

Obsolete P/N Digi-Key P/N Alternate P/N Digi-Key P/N
2833547 277-4945-ND 2900953 277-11895-ND
2833550 277-7589-ND 2904468 277-14872-ND
2833592 277-4926-ND 2900954 277-11896-ND
2833518 277-4868-ND 2900930 277-17652-ND
2833521 277-4895-ND 2900930 277-17652-ND
2833534 277-5221-ND 2900931 277-11891-ND
2834326 277-4878-ND 2903358 277-17669-ND
2834368 277-5166-ND 2903354 277-17673-ND
2834481 277-4865-ND 2903350 277-17678-ND
2834520 277-5308-ND 2903346 277-17682-ND
2834339 277-5167-ND 2903358 277-17669-ND
2834371 2834371-ND 2903353 277-17674-ND
2834494 277-5190-ND 2903349 277-17679-ND
2834533 2834533-ND 2903345 277-17683-ND
2834342 277-4984-ND 2903356 277-17671-ND
2834384 2834384-ND 2903352 277-17675-ND
2834504 277-4971-ND 2903348 277-17680-ND
2834546 2834546-ND 2903344 277-17684-ND
2834355 2834355-ND 2903355 277-17672-ND
2834397 2834397-ND 2903351 277-17676-ND
2834517 277-5268-ND 2903347 277-17681-ND
2834559 2834559-ND 2903343 277-17685-ND
2834407 277-5191-ND 2903342 277-10084-ND
2834449 2834449-ND 2903338 277-10085-ND
2834562 277-9345-ND 2903334 277-10086-ND
2834601 277-9346-ND 2903330 277-10087-ND
2834591 2834591-ND 2903331 277-10098-ND
2833563 277-4912-ND 2900932 277-17653-ND
2833576 277-4898-ND 2900932 277-17653-ND
2833589 277-5183-ND 2900934 277-11892-ND
2834643 277-4922-ND 2903326 277-17693-ND
2834724 277-4879-ND 2903320 277-17698-ND
2834656 2834656-ND 2903323 277-17695-ND
2834737 277-14725-ND 2903318 277-17700-ND
2834669 277-4985-ND 2903322 277-17696-ND
2834740 277-4931-ND 2903317 277-17701-ND
2834672 277-14724-ND 2903321 277-17697-ND
2834753 277-11886-ND 2903316 277-17702-ND
2834685 277-9347-ND 2903315 277-10100-ND
2834766 277-5079-ND 2903308 277-10101-ND
2834708 277-5267-ND 2903311 277-10104-ND
2834782 2834782-ND 2903305 277-10105-ND
2834795 2834795-ND 2903304 277-10107-ND
2833602 277-4956-ND 2900935 277-17654-ND
2833615 277-4970-ND 2900936 277-17655-ND
2834054 277-9343-ND 2903666 2903666-ND
2834122 277-14722-ND 2903686 277-17326-ND
2834067 277-5062-ND 2903667 277-14836-ND
2834135 277-5047-ND 2903687 277-14840-ND
2834070 2834070-ND 2903668 277-14837-ND
2834148 2834148-ND 2903688 2903688-ND
2834164 2834164-ND 2907051 2907051-ND
2834203 277-14723-ND 2907054 2907054-ND
2834012 277-14721-ND 2903659 2903659-ND
2834083 277-9344-ND 2903676 277-14839-ND
2834025 277-5029-ND 2903660 277-11901-ND
2834096 277-4939-ND 2903677 277-11902-ND
2834038 2834038-ND 2903661 2903661-ND
2834106 2834106-ND 2903671 2903671-ND
2833958 2833958-ND 2903662 2903662-ND
2834041 277-9342-ND 2903663 2903663-ND
2834119 2834119-ND 2903680 2903680-ND
2834960 277-14727-ND 2903664 2903664-ND
2834313 2834313-ND 2903681 2903681-ND
2834957 2834957-ND 2903665 2903665-ND
2834973 2834973-ND 2903682 2903682-ND
2834245 2834245-ND 2903690 2903690-ND
2834287 2834287-ND 2903694 2903694-ND
2834232 277-5089-ND 2903689 277-14841-ND
2834274 277-5057-ND 2903693 277-14843-ND
2834258 277-5099-ND 2903691 277-14842-ND
2834290 277-5102-ND 2903695 277-14844-ND
2834261 2834261-ND 2903692 2903692-ND
2834300 2834300-ND 2903696 2903696-ND

The TechForum Cross Reference category is for parts that Digi-Key does not sell or parts that have gone obsolete. Our Engineers and Techs have reviewed the specifications for these parts and made a recommendation for a replacement. Please review the suggested part to ensure it will work for your application.