Precise DC motor control using rpi4

Hi! Which encoder would I need in order to control a DC motor precisely using an rpi4. Currently I also have the Adafruit DC and Stepper Motor HAT. How would the wiring and python code work with the encoder?

Much appreciated, it would help me so much with my project!


Hello assaf,

Welcome to the DigiKey TechForum.
I’m not familiar with this setup, but an engineer should be able to help.
Hopefully one of the engineers can add to this post with their knowledge.

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Hello @assaf,

Yes, an encoder can be added to a stepper motor. However, it’s not a common configuration. Most of the time, the stepper motor runs open loop. The system assumes the stepper faithfully completes each step.

As for a DC motor and encoder, here are a few articles to get you started:

Notice that timing is a critical requirement for reading the sensor. Responsive ISRs are required of the motor position will be lost.

DC motor control is worthy of study as there is so much material to learn.

Best wishes,
