We are looking for Automotive Grade 1 air pressure sensor dies in the 100-1600kPa range, looking to purchase in die form. Any suggestions?
I’m sorry, but we do not carry a match to this. You may have to search on google, for someone that may have a match.
Hello Tushar,
To my knowledge DK does not offer the product you requested. However you may be interested in their (in stock) offering of tire pressure sensors from NXP. It’s not a die form factor and it doesn’t go beyond 130 psi, but it may still be useful for your project. Here is an example:
As I understand the situation, it is challenging to source this specialized sensor. Also, end of life consideration must be taken into account as described on the NXP web pages. With that said, you may also be interested in NXP NTM88 line of sensors for your future design as this sensor is closer to your desired specifications:
Best wishes,
P.S. I am a volunteer not directly associated with DK. I do hope you found this information useful.