Request Component Info - IXTT120N15P & 1206L035YR

Please help to advise the below information for both MPN below.

  1. MPN: IXTT120N15P
  2. MPN: 1206L035YR
    MFG: Littelfuse Inc

Reflow Soldering Details

  1. Peak Temperature ( Max Temperature allowed in Reflow Solder ) :
  2. Minimum Time Above Liquidus ( Min at Reflow Zone at 217°C ) :
  3. Maximum Time Above Liquidus ( Max at Reflow Zone at 217°C ) :
  4. Heat Cycle/Reflow Cycle ( Recommended number of Reflow passes ) :
  5. Component Washability ( Washable? ) : Yes / No

We only use Deionized Water via Aqueous Machine with Drying process after washing.


Thank you for contacting DigiKey , for part number IXTT120N15P , I am not finding any info for solder profile on the data sheet or the manufacturer web site , and noting for wash process , here is contact info for them to see if they can provide this info for you , Contact Us - Littelfuse Distributors & Support - Littelfuse

For part number 1206L035YR the solder profile table is on page 3 of the data sheet , I do not see a wash process anywhere for this part either .

Thanks Craig