Searching for a cable that has both individually shielded twisted pairs and an overall EMI shield

The cable specs list shielding but I don’t see how to distinguish whether the shielding covers the individual twisted pairs, or the overall cable. I’m looking for a cable that has double shielding: both the individual pairs and also overall. Please help.


Unfortunately there’s no specific filter for shield configuration. A material with individually shielded pairs would show up as a “multi-pair” cable type, and that eliminates a lot of options to start with. Specifying your conductor count/gauge will narrow it further, or if you don’t particularly care about that the Cat8 materials are a good bet.

Do you carry any cables at all with both individual and overall shielding?

Yes, with the Cat8 materials mentioned being an example, along with much of the Cat7 and some of the Cat6.

When there’s no filter of trait of interest, one filters first on the basis of other considerations and checks datasheets.

However I don’t see the info listed on the datasheets either.

Cat8 won’t work for me because I need 12 pairs.

Several examples of how different manufacturers present the information are excerpted below.

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When it comes to cable with 12 pairs, I’m coming to the conclusion that it’s very hard to find cables with both individual pair and overall shielding. Thanks for your help.

12-pair cable and double shielding are both uncommon features individually; taken together it will indeed be difficult to find a stocking source.

You may wish to re-evaluate your shielding requirements and see if a more common either/or construction many be suitable. Failing that, 3 strands of 4-pair may be a serviceable expedient.

Ok, good ideas, thank you!