I’m trying to save a newly created symbol but I keep gettting the Name already exists notice in the Save Symbol dialog box. (i’ve tried several different names, none of which exist in My Custom Symbols location.
What am I missing?
I’m trying to save a newly created symbol but I keep gettting the Name already exists notice in the Save Symbol dialog box. (i’ve tried several different names, none of which exist in My Custom Symbols location.
What am I missing?
I’ve tried multiple times and I am unable to replicate the problem you are seeing. Maybe try clearing your browser cache and restarting the browser?
@smjorgensen, the Scheme-it team is looking into this issue.
When I tried it this morning(15Jul2020), it worked properly.
Thanks for your attention to this query,
@smjorgensen, The team implemented a fix for the issue. Thank you for confirming you were able to save your symbol.