TPS82150SIL replacement?

I’m looking for a suitable replacement for a TPS82150SIL DC-DC module. Size is an issue, so smaller is better. We can’t wait until 1/11/2024!

Welcome to the Digikey tech forum. I checked and wasn’t able to find a suitable replacement to offer for this part.

I doubt digikey has that available.

Hi jimreagans,

Welcome to the Tech Forum!

It’s not likely that we would have a drop-in equivalent, so a redesign is almost certainly going to be necessary. Assuming you can do that (as there’s unlikely to be an alternative), we need to know what your actual specification requirements are so that we can offer reasonable options. These are the requirements for your circuit rather than what the TPS82150SIL is capable of.

  • What is your actual input voltage range? (Min and Max)
  • What is your required output voltage?
  • What is your maximum load current?
  • What are your maximum dimensional limits? (L, W, H)
  • What other specifications are critical to you?

No guarantees we can find something to meet all of your requirements, but the more you can tell us, especially about where you may be able to compromise, the more likely we can find a reasonable alternative for you.