I’ve ordered a few samples on the 7th of September. I believe turnaround time was 10 days. Is it 10 business days? And does it exclude the shipping?
We are coming up on the 10th business day tomorrow and my order still says “Submitted”. I was just wondering if something went wrong with the order, or everything is fine and I just need to wait longer?
Thank you.
Hello Dimitry,
In regards to samples they usually are referring to the number of days as business days.
If you are looking for an update on where those are I would suggest contacting our Customer Service department and they should be able to track that down for you.
Hi @Brent_2328 and @dimitry_ishenko , I did send an email out to the board house for a tracking number, so no need to contact Customer Service for duplicate efforts. 
Thanks guys. I did try contacting Customer Service in the past and both times they’ve referred me to this forum. @Linzee_1029 thank you and I will look out for the tracking number.
Hi @Linzee_1029 any good news for me? 
Some good news, I see there’s a tracking number! I’ll DM it over to you.
@Linzee_1029 thank you, ma’am! I see it now. D-mo