Updating firmware on Silicon Labs Z-wave UZB USB sticks


There may be occasions when it becomes necessary to update the firmware of Silicon Labs Z-wave UZB controller USB sticks. Firmware updates may be needed when new SDKs are released or a change in UZB functionality is required. UZB firmware can be updated using Silicon Labs Windows based Z-Wave Programmer application, but be careful, as you risk bricking it and rendering it permanently nonfunctional.

You will need to download and install the latest Z-Wave Programmer application and embedded SDK. Once the Z-Wave Programmer is installed you can select the appropriate SD3503 firmware hex file from the embedded SDK and program the UZB USB stick. The Z-Wave Programmer application, Z-Wave Programmer manual and embedded SDK can be downloaded from Silicon Labs website at:
Once the embedded SDK is installed you can find the SD3503 firmware files in the SD3503 subdirectory (example …\SDK_v6_81_01\ProductPlus\SD3503\ProductPlus\Bin)
Start the Z-Wave Programmer application, plug the UZB into the PC, and select the COM port associated with the UZB in “Settings”.

In Z-Wave Programmer select the “ZW050x” tab. For the “Flash Code Memory” file, select an applicable hexfile, this must be a OTW_SD3503_USBVCP firmware with bootloader. E.g. “serialapi_controller_static_OTW_SD3503_USBVCP_US_BOOTLOADER.hex”.

Next, click “Program and Verify”. At this point, the UZB will be set into auto programming mode, and if the driver was not installed earlier, programming may fail. If programming fails, find the “unknown device" in the computers device manager, and install the “programming driver” included with the Z-Wave programmer download. The programmer driver may have another com port, than the UZB had initially, if so, select the correct com port in Z-Wave Programmer-> Settings, and retry programming.
The above steps are described in details in the manuals referenced.All relevant Z-wave software and documentation can be downloaded from Silicon Labs website at Technical Support - Silicon Labs

Hi Scott

We tried the above steps, but somehow the Z-wave programmer disconnects the stick while initiating
We get an error something like " Do you want to wait for another 30 seconds"

Also there was one anomaly while selecting the device from the settings
The name is shown as “Generic USB (COM 7)” instead of “Sigma Designs Zwave programming interface (COM X)”

And while monitoring the device manager, we see the stick earlier assigned to a COM port looses it and becomes “Unknown” right after “Program and Verify” button is pressed

Also the PC Controller is working with the same stick, I am able to add, control and remove a node.


Silicon Labs has also posted instructions on programming the UZB USB stick on their support website https://www.silabs.com/community/wireless/z-wave/knowledge-base.entry.html/2018/12/19/z-wave_500_programm-BQRO . I think the issue is you don’t have the driver installed per below info from Silicon Labs:
If the driver was not installed earlier programming may fail. If programming fails, find the “unknown device” in the computers device manager,and install the “programming driver” included with the download. The programmer driver may have another COM port than the UZB had initially. If so; select the correct COM port and retry programming.