If you have ever created a document or CAD drawing and wanted an easy way to add a mathematical formula or equation, then LaTeX is a perfect way to do that. LaTeX is a powerful markup language that allows you to add any math equation, formula or symbol or even text to a Digi-Key Scheme-It project. Here are a few examples:
Basic Equations
Using LaTeX input is the preferred method and that can be done by using “$” before and after your text input or a set of “(“ and “)”. For more in-depth range of LaTeX math and formatting, a great starting point is here: MathJax basic tutorial and quick reference - Mathematics Meta Stack Exchange
Using AsciiMath input is mostly the same but instead of “$” or “(“ and “)”, you can use ` (back tick typically found above the TAB key on an English keyboard). More information on AsciiMath can be found here: http://asciimath.org/
Using inline mode or math mode is a way of placing where you need your equation. Either in line with regular text or at the center of a new line to make it stand out
Scheme-It and LaTeX in everyday use.
Here is a quick example of adding equations to a Scheme-It project. In this case the circuit is a just a voltage source and resistor with the formulas being Ohm’s law equations to find Voltage, Current and Resistance of the circuit.
And here is the LaTeX formatting to produce those equations.
There are a few different techniques to make the equations look as good as they do.
Fractions and Multiplication
\frac{}{}: or with \dfrac{}{}, where the numerator or top part of the fraction goes inside the first set of brackets and the denominator, or bottom of the fraction goes inside the second set of brackets.
Multiplication is as simple as inserting “\times” between the two variables or numbers that need to be multiplied together as shown here.
Subscript and Superscripts
To help keep track of variables and special math functions, here is how you can add Superscript and Subscripts to your variables with the use of the caret and underscore characters.
After that it can be dragged around and manipulated like another Text Box
This is just a starting point, there are a whole range of resources and tutorials online along with the Digi-Key TechForum (https://forum.digikey.com/) always available to answer your questions and provide help with Digi-Key’s trained technical support staff.