What is the difference between EPC21603 and EPC21603ENGRT

The following is the link to EPC21603ENGRT page:

And the following is the link to EPC21603 page:

I can’t find information about the difference between them. A PCB lab expert at my university told me that he is not sure EPC21603 can be soldered on PCB, because it is in die package form. Can the EPC21603ENGRT package be soldered on a PCB? If not what should I do to be able to solder an EPC21603 on a PCB, I will be using solder paste, and baking them in an oven.

Thanks for your help.

ENGRT indicates Engineer Grade, as opposed to Production Grade. Basically ENGRT are engineering samples. The details on this can be found here:

EPC ENGRT Suffix Meaning - Semiconductor / Discrete Semiconductor Products - Electronic Component and Engineering Solution Forum - TechForum │ DigiKey

Instructions on how to assemble these can be found here