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I received an order in February this year which had a wrong component. The bag ID said the enclosed content was a FST3253MTCXC-ND with a 16TSSOP footprint
When I opened that bag I found I had a LV540A with a 20TSSOP footprint.
I’ve emailed the Support email twice and received no replies.
It looks like there’s an LV540A two places down on the shelf from the part you were looking for. If you’d please send me a private message with the salesorder number on which the incorrect parts were ordered, I’ll see what I can do about getting that corrected.
I did reach out to the Customer Service team and I know they said they are a little behind in addressing their emails at this time. They did suggest offer a link to our returns page. Here you can request a return on the parts and it will speed up the process. Returnshttps://www.digikey.com/mydigikey/returns