12 vdc with screw to secure to cover plate

Looking for a 12 vdc power supply to plug into AC outlet with screw to secure it to the cover plate


Thank you for contacting DigiKey , sorry I am not seeing that we have anything to offer that has screws to secure it to the cover plate .

Thanks Craig

Drat; my customer Carrier is looking to add them to their offerings.
Let me know if you have any paths to help.
Sean Gaines

Hi sean_f_gaines,

We carry a couple of parts in our Marketplace which seem to be what you’re looking for:

ST-121A 12V, 1A supply

ST-123A 12V, 3A supply

FYI, if using the email reply function the info in one’s signature gets posted publicly… Prior post edited.

If one zooms in on the above images it becomes apparent that it’s the same product, with manufacturer and part number visible.

Many suppliers of such products are willing to do custom modifications. If there’s significant volume potential it might be worth investigating, particularly in consideration of emerging trade concerns. Send me a private message (click a user’s avatar, then “Message”) if that’s a thing you’d like to discuss.

Rick, I am not able to follow your avitar to a message option; odd.
Yes, I would like to help my customer to point them to the right path for sourcing.
Can you message me your email address to open email dialog?

Likely a new-user spam mitigation issue… Check your email of record for a message.

Thanks for your help. This has been put on hold for now, but we may revisit next year.
Best wishes,