WE have purchased Azumo LCD flat panel display, 11655-03_T6. There is an area in the upper left quadrant that is slightly depressed. It is on all 5 of the units. We would like to purchase more but are concerned with the quality of the display. What is the cause of the depression? Is this going to get worse over time?
Hello ronald.heintz,
Welcome to the Digi-Key TechForum.
These should have the same even look over the entire display.
The only thing I found on the datasheet, is the Protective mask that is removed for final installation.
If it’s not just the mask, and this effects the look or operation of the display, you should return them to Digi-Key for replacements. You can call us at 1-800-344-4539, or email orders@digikey.com to get a return started.
Hi David,
Thanks for the quick reply. The protective mask actually hides the depressed area. When you take off the mask it is more pronounced. You can definitely see it but we don’t know if there will be any longevity issues with the parts.
We would like to return them if they are not correct but fear the ones you have in stock might be the same. Is there any way of confirming the stock?