I am testing Beaglebone Black with LTE modem thru usb
BBB gets IP address of wwan0 from LTE Modem.
So I can use Ethernet communication on BBB through LTE modem.
I ran the ping test for a long time to check if there was a network disconnection.
Everytime icmp_seq is around over 7000, network is disconnected.
The followings is the message of ping
IP address of wwan0 was disapeared as below
When I run the command as belows
sudo dhclient -v wwan0
The IP address of wwan0 appeared as belows
The current kernel version is 5.4.44-bone29
By the way. when I tested the same thing kernel version 4.19.31-bone-rt-r31
the ping is good even after a day.
What’s wrong it?
Could you help me solve the problem?