Board size 0 x 0

Whenever I upload my 4-layer gerber package, I am told my 2-layer 0*0mm board does not qualify for quote. Has anyone else run into this before?


Hello @heming.liang,

Thank you for bringing this forward, I will direct message you on this issue.

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I just tried uploading 1 4 layer file set, set all the layers, saw a picture of the board but it comes back with a 0 x0 board size. There is a board outline in the board set uploaded. How do I fix this?

The board outline file contains the following lines X6800000D01*
Y2500000* (i.e. 6.8" x 2.5") and shows correctly in a Gerber file viewer (GerbTool). The prior answer to the same question got answered offline and never posted back to the forum which is not very helpful to the rest of the Forum.

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Hello jerold.lipson,

Thank you for your inquiry.

If you would like you can direct message me with your zip archive, I can take a look into this.

Hello Kristof,

Here is the zip file that almost worked except for the 0 x 0 board size.


Kristof_2649 DigiKey Employee March 13 Hello jerold. lipson, Thank you for your inquiry. If you would like you can direct message me with your zip archive, I can take a look into this. Visit Topic or reply to this email to respond. To unsubscribe


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Kristof_2649 DigiKey Employee
March 13


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Hello jerold.lipson,

Thank you for your inquiry.

If you would like you can direct message me with your zip archive, I can take a look into this.

(attachments) (175 KB)

I renamed the outline file with a .GKO extension and renamed the copper layers
.GTL ā† for Top Copper Layer
.G2L ā† for Second Copper Layer
.G3L ā† for Third Copper Layer
.GBL ā† for Bottom Copper Layer

That got the layers automatically detected and assigned and board sized correctly. Iā€™m still seeing problems with the drill layer that is concerning though.

Hello Kristof,

Strange that the file extension should matter but if changing it works I can do that.

When I chose the DrillDrawingThrough.gdo file for the drill drawing it showed the drill table and the drill symbols on the board. The d_1_4.ncd seems to be an Excelon drill file.


Kristof_2649 DigiKey Employee March 13 I renamed the outline file with a .GKO extension and renamed the copper layers .GTL ā† for Top Copper Layer .G2L ā† for Second Copper Layer .G3L ā† for Third Copper Layer .GBL ā† for Bottom Copper Layer That


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Kristof_2649 DigiKey Employee
March 13


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I renamed the outline file with a .GKO extension and renamed the copper layers
.GTL ā† for Top Copper Layer
.G2L ā† for Second Copper Layer
.G3L ā† for Third Copper Layer
.GBL ā† for Bottom Copper Layer

That got the layers automatically detected and assigned and board sized correctly. Iā€™m still seeing problems with the drill layer that is concerning though.