Info mismatch after uploading files

Our Company uses Altium to create design files. My step-by-step is:

  1. goto pcb-builder website
  2. enter 2 layer board, enter 1.3 and 3.3 for the dimensions of the board in the appropriate fields
  3. Choose the DK Red option
  4. leave other fields as they are
  5. upload Gerbers in the older style format, (i.e., seperate and distinct gerbers, not X2 or X3 format)
  6. click ‘Finish Upload’

After this is done, I am shown some preliminary price quotes, but the dimension fields change to 2.9748 * .6974

This makes me concerned that I will not get correctly sized boards if I place an order

Hello brandon.wiley.ctr,

Thank you for your inquiry.

If you would like you can direct message me your zip file I can take a look into this.