CF4113MBT-1000U-AB9 Terminal Connector


For Sunon EC Fans with Terminal connectors, how do we connect to the fan? Do they come with female connector inside the box?

Models: CF4113MBT-1000U-AB9 or CF4113HBT-1000U-A99

(Edit: This post says the parts come with wire leads. This is incorrect, please click HERE for the answer)

Hello HeyItsSu,

Welcome to the DigiKey TechForum!

Parts CF4113MBT-1000U-AB9 and CF4113HBT-1000U-A99 do not come with a connector; they are terminated via two wire leads. This makes them a bit more versatile for connecting directly to your application as you can wire them directly into a power source, use a wing nut or solder directly to output wires, or add a terminal connector based on your application (more information about choosing termination styles HERE)

If you have a connector that you are needing to plug these into, you may be able to find the contacts(24AWG per the datasheet) and housings that will work for you. If you already have a connector you need it to mate to, you may be able to find that part on our site and then use the “associated” section to find the appropriate components.

Hi @Klint_12443,

I could be wrong, but I think these products have been incorrectly marked as lead wire termination on the DigiKey site.

Could you please confirm this by referring to page 11 of this PDF, and then this document.


I received an answer back on this one and it turns out that these terminals are designed to fit standard fan cords. As such, there is no specialized connector required and no mating connector will be provided in the box. The below link will bring you to the current in-stock options for the Sunon Fan cords that should work with these terminals.
