Continual Upload Failures of kicad_pcb Files

Morning. I’ve been trying to upload a KiCAD PCB file for about a week now and it just keeps hanging on “uploading” and never finishes. I’ve tried multiple browsers and machines, same issue everywhere. Is there an issue with KiCAD files uploading, or am I just having bad luck?


You can post this question to the Kicad forum too.

@demeyer thank you for bringing this to our attention. I will work with our development team to take a look into this issue. I will direct message you to get your files to use as an example.

I am seeing the same issue, please let me know when it is resolved!

@Erik_Brateng any update?

@Erik_Brateng should be in your inbox now. Thanks!

@cgudinas only update is a ticket has been submitted.

Ok thank you!

@Erik_Brateng Hi, just checking in on the status, I need to order these asap and when I convert to gerber I am having trouble making sure I have all the right files. I would much rather order using kicad_pcb as I always have so I know exactly what I am ordering.

@cgudinas our development team is still working on this issue. I will direct message you for your files.

I’m having the same problem - the progress bar just shows “Processing” forever after uploading a KiCad file, on two different computers with different browsers. I don’t think there’s anything unusual in my board design, but does anyone have any idea of something I might try doing differently?

@jasonharper I had success using Gerbers instead of the KiCad files directly, see if that works maybe?

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