Please help identifying this controller. My goal is to identify the data out type on pin 6.
Pin 1 is 5.0V
Pin 2 bounces between 0 to 5 volts and back to 0 again.
Pin 3 is 0V
Pin 4 is 4.9V
Pin 5 is 0V
Pin 6 is 0.8 to 0.4 volts. This pin is connected to data out pin to display. This is some kind of communications, possibly serial 232 or can bus?
Pin 7 is 2.5V
Pin 8 is 0V
Welcome to the TechForum. The pin out information is only available on most datasheets and is not a searchable parameter on the web. You might want to go back to the original manufacturer for a replacement.
There is a good chance it’s an i2c eeprom.