Digi-Key KiCad library requests

Will Digi-Key accept footprint / schematic requests for our Digi-Key KiCad library?

For example - FDPF10N60NZ


Requests are welcome and certainly encouraged. We will gladly add FDPF10N60NZ to the list of parts that are considered for future additions.

If it is an immediate need, I would recommend downloading the Digi-Key KiCad Library and using a symbol close to that of FDPF10N60NZ, such as FQP30N06L, rename it and reassign the footrpint to one that matches. In the case of the FQP30N06L, the footprint is already the same.

I hope this helps.
Reid L

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Could I request MAX22025AWA
Will this differ from ultraLibrians download?
Thankyou to Digikey for supporting kicad

Hi Neilh20,

Thank you for your inquiry.

That package type is a SOIC-8 Wide package, what Maxim calls a W8MS-1 IC Package.

Here Maxim’s recommended Land Pattern for the W8MS-1.

Here is a link to that Land Pattern:

If you’re looking to save time not laying out a new footprint for that part here is the closest SOIC-8 footprint within KiCad’s built in libraries that would definitely work with this size IC.

KiCad Library filename: SOIC-8_5.275x5.275mm_P1.27mm

The schematic symbol would be pretty easy to create on your own, and then just point to the above KiCad footprint in your design schematic.