EDA / CAD Model Downloads

Recently we began adding the ability to download footprints, symbols and 3D CAD models for many of our parts. On these parts you will see a section under Documents and media for EDA/CAD Models. Formats for download include Altium, Cadence, Eagle, KiCAD, Mentor, Pulsonix, Quadcept, Zuken and 3D STEP Model.

On the models that have these downloads available you will see an EDA/CAD link to click under Documents and Media.

Here is an example of this process for a part with the Ultra Librarian Link.
This will take you to the Ultra Librarian for DigiKey page.
Here you can review your part selection. In this example I am looking at DK part 497-3907-1-ND
Choose your CAD Format(s)

Then Download!
Currently DigiKey is offering 15 free downloads per month to anyone who has a DigiKey login. To register you can click Sign-In on the Forum and follow the prompts or click on register on the upper righthand corner of the Digikey.com domain. Should you need the ability to download more than the 15 per month there are licenses available on the DigiKey site as well.

For many of our Vishay’s optical sensors, optocouplers, solid-state relays, and MOSFET drivers we are also offering free downloads through SnapEDA.

See Also:

Ultra Librarian Licenses


A post was split to a new topic: Searching for KiCad Part