Searching for KiCad Part

We could really use the i.MX series of controllers added to the list. If anyone has a KiCad source for the symbol and footprint for the iMX7D 488 that would be great.



Ultra Librarian has an excellent search tool for looking at models.

Right in the search box you can select models and they will tell you if they are available.

I use them for random digikey parts that I can find footprints there however many are non-existent such as the one in the thread. I found a TI chip that I am going to use for another board so that will keep me busy for a bit and I found a link from KiCad that should make the footprint creation a lot easier since making symbols isnt a problem. I’m not fond of creating footprints that should come from the chip makers in a bxl format to avoid any prototyping errors as those are expensive failures. and thanks.

I can’t say I’ve checked the part, but SnapEDA claims they have a footprint.

Thanks. Footprint is helpful. It takes quite some time to create a symbol with this many pins and to get the electrical characteristics entered.