SMD footprints are not defined as Surface mount components in footprint properties.
Because of this, parts from the library are not correctly included in fabrication output files.
The footprints should be fully defined, but it is possible that we have mistaken a few parts. Could you give us specific part numbers so that we can look into the problem?
Reid Landsrud
The problem seems to be consistent throughout the library.
Defining parts to Surface mount components adds the line “(attr smd)” to kicad_mod file, which is not found in footprint folder.
Sorry, my misunderstanding. Thank you for making us aware of this. I will put it on our list of things to correct as soon as possible. I hope this did not cause too much of an inconvenience.
Reid Landsrud
Thank you again for pointing out our oversight. I have created a pull request on GitHub that should correct this issue.
The changes will take effect the next time we build the library.
Thank you,
Reid Landsrud