Getting start Infineon 3300W bi-directional evaluation board

The 3300 W bi-directional Phase Shift Full Bridge (PDFB) DC-DC evaluation board (MPN: EVAL3K3WBIDIPSFBTOBO1) from Infineon can achieve 98% efficiency in buck mode and 97% in boost mode. To start using this evaluation board, please remember to connect this board with XMC™ Link as below.


To operate the XMC™ Link, installation of the J-Link driver is required.

  1. Please download the latest version from SEGGER - The Embedded Experts - Downloads - J-Link / J-Trace and install it on your PC/laptop.
    Note: The J-Link driver is also part of the typical installation of DAVE™ and third-party tools
    supporting SEGGER J-Link.
  2. Connect your XMC™ Link to your PC/laptop using the Micro USB cable.
  3. A proper connection and installation of the J-Link driver is indicated by a constantly illuminated debug LED.
  4. Connect your XMC™ target board with XMC™ Link using one of the enclosed cables (above figure).

For further information, please check out these links