How to burn bootloader onto IC ATMEGA328 U Chip

i purchased a good number of chips noted above from DigiKey with intention of burning bootloader onto them for my beginner projects. ive successfully done a few on other chips i purchased elsewhere. im getting somewhat frustrated. i think i have the routine worked out for successful burning but then im let down. ive read how to’s and tried a number of ways with no success with the chips from DigiKey. Im using a breadboard to burn. So im hoping you could steer me in the right direction.
Im using Arduino Uno R3 for my LED projects and use it to burn bootloader. Im a rookie I know, not technical at all, but am proud of what ive learned thus far. I just want to be confident and successful with this procedure and steering in the right direction with easy to follow instruction. Any help is really appreciated.
Let me know if further information is needed.

Welcome to the Technical Forum. I actually found a very good link from Sparkfun on how to install the bootloader to the Arduinio.

Here is the link: SparkFun Education - How To Install An Arduino Bootloader.

There is also more on the Arduino website on this link:

Hopefully this helps.

The hard way of burning a bootloader into an ATMEGA328 is using an Arduino.

Here is a tutorial on burning a bootloader onto a breadboard microcontroller using an Arduino

The easy way of burning bootloaders is using a dedicated programmer.

Click here for Sparkfun’s Pocket AVR Programmer Part Number: PGM-09825

One item that helps with programming on a breadboard is a AVR ISP Programming Header Adapter from Adafruit.

Click here for Adafruit Breadboard Programming Adapter Part Number: 1465

Here is what my breadboard looks like programming it with the above programmer and then an added connector to the left of the picture to upload code after burning the bootloader using a USB to TTL logic level converter/adapter.

Here is an example of a USB to Serial UART adapter that can be used after burning the bootloader:

284 Adafruit Industries LLC | Integrated Circuits (ICs) | DigiKey

And here is the schematic of the above circuit:

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