I’m trying to make a Trim Box for my PC to use in Flight simulators.
I want to use Hall sensors because if I go to the work to figure this out I want it to last, I’m tired of cheap pots spiking.
o I ordered these, https://www.digikey.com/en/products/detail/tt-electronics-bi/6127V1A360L-5/2620658
When I looked at spec sheet it mentioned 0-320 or 360 continuous. Being that I am not fully versed on this stuff and only a Diesel Technician in real life I honestly am probably more dangerous in this world than most LOL
These don’t have a stop to make them 0-320 and once hooked up to a Bodnar board, the signal just drops then spikes once you run it out of range. I guess I ordered the wrong thing and there is another part number I need to use to actually get the 0-320?
Thanks for reading and possibly helping.