iCE40HX-8K Breakout Board


I am developing a new PCB for which I will be using the iCE40HX-8K Breakout Board.
In order to do this, I need to know the exact dimensions of the board (holes and headers locations, etc), which I have not found on the datasheet.

Could you provide it? Or where can I find that information?

Kind Regards,

Sorry, I could only find that information as overall dimensions: 65x67mm ~ (2.56x2.64)".
To get the exact dimensions of the board’s holes, headers locations, etc. you should submit a technical support case through or contact their board manufacturer: See also: iCE40HX8K-EVB - Open Source Hardware Board (

Hi Rolf_Horn, thank you for the answer.

I am talking about the board with PN 220-1874-ND provided by DIgiKey.

Do you have information about that one?

Hello bruno.comcue, because ot this MPN: ICE40HX8K-B-EVN Lattice Semiconductor Corporation | Development Boards, Kits, Programmers | DigiKey there’s stock shown, we can ask our PDCe to check and measure your requested dimensions of the board’s holes, headers locations, etc.

Hi Bruno,

Thank you for your inquiry. I am checking on the requested information with our marketing and quality teams. I will respond as soon as possible.


Please see below and attached.

  • Board size is 76.2 x 76.2 mm
(attachments) (4.01 MB)
Lattice iCE40 Breakout Board - Hardware Product Definition.docx (158 KB)