Lattice Diamond crashes in Linux with MACHX03LF Starter Kit

[SOLVED] Diamond crashes when FTDI based serial interface exists on a Lattice starter kit

Page 20 of the May 2017 Lattice Diamond 3.9 Installation Notice for Linux document describes how to manually configure udev for the FTDI-based serial driver but naming the udev rule as explained in that document does not work. Below are instructions that work.

  1. Find your username which is given in /etc/group file. Log out if required. For example :


  1. Create a working file called 51-lattice.rules.

  2. Add the following information to the 51-lattice.rules file:

# Lattice - from Lattice Diamond 3.9 Installation Notice for Linux p.20 and showing a higher number used for the .rules file

SUBSYSTEM=="usb",ATTRS{idVendor}=="0403",ATTRS{idProduct}=="6010",RUN+="/bin/sh -c 'basename %p > /sys/bus/usb/drivers/ftdi_sio/unbind'"