List of devices supported in "EF-VIVADO-ENTER-FL"

I have few questions regarding the “EF-VIVADO-ENTER-FL” given at

Does this Vivado edition license support the "Verilog high-level synthesis" of bigger FPGA boards, e.g., Kintex Ultrascale, Vertex-7, etc.? 
Can you provide the list of all the FPGA boards supported by this Vivado? 
How different is this from the Vivado 2019.1 version? 

It would be highly appreciated if you could share such details so that I can explore different Vivado editions and plan my purchase.

Hello karnrupeshjnp,

Thank you for your DigiKey inquiry. I am checking with our product manager on this and will let you know what we find out.

Yes: Vivado ML Enterprise

Devices supported:
