Looking for pin for this connector

What is the part number for the pins that go into this connector 1-963226-1?

I’m guessing there are two different part numbers as there are 6 power pins.

Hello jaimesc. Welcome to the Forum Community. I was having some difficulty locating the contacts for this connector, so I contacted TE - they had trouble as well, but are checking with their Product Manager and will get back to me via e-mail with that answer. As soon as I have the information for you, I’ll post it here. Sorry for the delay!

Hi jaimesc - I received the reply from TE regarding the contacts for 1-963226-1. They sent pdfs which list the two types of contacts and also the criimp tool and applicator needed for each contact. They have also given wire seals, in case you wish to use those. I’ve attached the files below.
Terminals Junior Power Timer

![Single wire seals for Juni


Thanks Jenny, that is exactly what I needed.

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