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I need to connect several switches and relays to a battery. From the battery I cannot form a line to a switch, it has to be done from the switch. After that I need to add more connections to this line but it does not seem to let me, I can draw new lines to the battery, but not connect it to the first line…
I probably am overlooking something, but it has got me bugged
What are you connecting to? If you start at that then you should be able to connect back to the same line.
Here I have connected a switch to L1 then I connected to L3 to the line to L1 and then I connected L2 to the line coming from L3 to the line for L1. You just have to start at the component.
Yes I managed to connect this way also, but did you try a battery ? From a switch to the battery, then the sharp corners change to rounded ones and no new ‘connection’ can be made…
Robert, I think I maybe used the wrong ‘battery’; I used the old battery from System Level components…
I’ll try your type ‘voltage source’ from which catalog ??